Zoe Allan


Having been elected to the NPF last time, I can report that at the full NPF meeting us reps are told that the first rule of the full NPF is, “You must NOT talk about the full NPF!”. Within the bounds of confidentiality then, I will say that myself and colleagues championed the socialist successes and the interests of Wales at every opportunity.

Universal Free School Meals for primary school children, scrapping Right To Buy to stop the depletion of council house stock and never having allowed the academisation of schools were just three of the bold Welsh Labour policies we raised as having helped our electoral success.

The need for a fair deal for Wales and an internationalist approach which promotes peace were also flagged up. Working with like-minded reps from across Britain, we made a positive impact and would be honoured to do the same again.

With the likelihood of a Labour government in Westminster getting closer by the day, it’s more important than ever to push for radical, yet common sense policies which both the membership and electorate want to see in action. Please also support Bethany Thomas (Youth), David Smith, Bel Loveluck-Edwards and Dawn McGuinness.