Yasmine Dar


I’m standing for re-election to the NEC, to continue as a strong voice advocating for members, the lifeblood of our Party.

Throughout my tenure, I’ve championed transformative economic policies and a foreign policy rooted in internationalism, seeking peace, justice, and human rights.

I actively promote Party democracy, including dynamic, inclusive equalities structures, implementation of the Forde report and a strong trade union link. I’ve tirelessly advocated for transparent and fair disciplinary processes founded on natural justice.

Empowering members is a focal point of my efforts, including advocating for their right to select preferred candidates. As a BAME woman, social worker, anti-racist activist, and Councillor, my experiences fuel my determination to fight for a Labour government that transforms society. A crucial general election is on the horizon, and victory is imperative.

In the face of escalating living costs, heightened inequalities, and the ongoing impacts of Covid, our campaign against this government must intensify. I endorse vital campaigns to defend our NHS, for urgent action on climate change. I maintain a strong commitment to anti-war and anti-racist activism.

Please also nominate Jess Barnard, Gemma Bolton and Mish Rahman. Together, we can build a more just and equitable future for our nation.

Twitter: @Yasmine_Dar