Shahid Nadeem


I’m CLP Secretary and treasurer of Unite legal workers’ branch and an active member of the Society of Labour Lawyers, which provides legal and policy advice to the Labour Party. If re-elected to the NPF, I would like to utilise my experience as a Member of Unison, SME4Labour Executive board member, founder of Pakistanis for Labour, vice chair of the South Essex Cooperative Party and Western East Anglia Coop Party Council, to develop strong regional policy and engaging members.

I’ll lay the groundwork for a bold agenda on the economy, jobs, health, education, housing, peace, and human rights; this will transform our country. It has been an honour to be your NPF Rep for the past two years. Apart from contributing to the Safe Communities commission, I also worked for amendments including £15 wage, housing, a Green New Deal, and Public ownership. I stood on a platform of engaging with members and putting members’ views at the heart of Labour’s policy-making and I will continue to do so.

I’m asking you to vote for me to continue to fight for you and your priorities and support other grassroots candidates Rachel Garnham, Bryn Griffiths, Maxine Sadza and Alex Small (Youth Rep).