Rathi Guhadasan


I’m the CLP secretary for Brent East, Vice Chair for Kingsbury ward and served as ward organiser in my previous ward. I have attended the Labour national conference in 2022 and 2023, as CLP and Socialist Health Association delegate. I have participated in writing motions at ward level and for the SHA. As CLP secretary, I am familiar with the Labour Party rule book and allied resources. I am a national SHA Vice-Chair and London Branch secretary.

I’m a participating member of Doctors in Unite and a qualified paediatrician with a background in international public health and the international development and humanitarian sectors. I have a keen interest in many areas of policy, particularly health, and would like to see a more integrated, intersectoral approach to public health policy. We must also see the New Deal for Working people delivered in full as well as a proper Green New Deal. If elected, I will endeavour to represent the grassroots of our Labour movement and be accountable and transparent to members.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please also nominate and vote for Dave Levy, Pat Quigley, Aydin Dikerdem, and India Burgess (Youth Position).