Niamh Iliff


Grounded in grassroots organising with my local TUC, left-wing student groups, youth organisations, local campaigns, and my union branch, my priorities lie in amplifying the voices of working people and communities. Only through representing such groups at the base of the party can we ensure Labour’s policies remain dynamic and transformative.

Serving as Trade Union Liaison Officer for West Midlands Young Labour, I’ve advocated for crucial issues across the region and created meaningful links between the party and unions, amplifying grassroots concerns. By giving a platform to and hearing young members, I’m dedicated to representing the future of our party as vital voices in policy making.

We must create a radical policy agenda that unites unionists, members, and activists which will uphold our progressive values and help shape a brighter, more equitable future together. Fighting for the delivery of a Green New Deal that unites these groups within our party and truly supports our communities in the future will be core to my addition to the NPF.

I am proud to be supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum. I urge you to vote for Teresa Beddis.