Mish Rahman


As a working-class man of Bangladeshi heritage, whose father campaigned against the National Front, I am a committed anti-racist bringing my commitments to equality and justice onto the NEC since I was first elected in 2020. I have:

  • Opposed the selection stitch-ups and crackdowns on democracy and due process that have become common in our Party
  • Pressured the leadership to fully implement the Forde Report
  • Opposed all discrimination including Islamophobia, anti-semitism, homophobia, sexism, and transphobia without fear or favour.
  • Spoken out against the indiscriminate killing of innocents in the Israel-Palestine conflict and founded the Labour For a Ceasefire Now campaign.
  • Regularly reported back via online calls, articles and social media
  • Worked collaboratively to introduce new equalities structures, including a BAME Members’ Structure which the leadership ditched.

With a General Election looming, I will work to deliver an election-winning Party which will change the lives of millions for the better


That means supporting popular policies like a Green New Deal, public ownership, repealing anti-trade union laws, advancing migrants’ rights, defending hum

an rights across the world and internationalist solidarity.

I am proud to be supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum. Please also support Jess Barnard, Gemma Bolton, and Yasmine Dar.

Twitter: @mish_rahman