Maxine Sadza


We’ve seen the effects of Tory austerity amongst the most marginalised in our society, leading to increased poverty, more food banks, and poverty wages for public sector workers.

I’m currently CLP Treasurer, a retired member of Unite the Union, and have been Women’s, BAME, and Policy Officer. I was the Equalities Rep for my workplace whilst working for the NHS as a Biomedical Scientist. I brought up my two sons as a single parent. I am a grassroots Community activist involved in Acorn the Union. I help to set up a local cultural community festival and am the first BAME woman to be elected as a Councillor to Southend City Council. I stood to be a councillor to be a voice for the voiceless and to represent minority ethnic groups in my community.

I pledge to represent members’ views, work to ensure that democracy is upheld, and champion the New Deal for Working people and Labour’s Green Prosperity plan on the NPF. I will also oppose increased privatisation in our Health service.

I’m Proud to be supported by the Centre-left Grassroots alliance and Momentum and I urge you to support Shahid Nadeem, Rachel Garnham, Bryn Griffiths and Alex Small (youth position).