Marina Asvachin


I’ve been a Devon County Councillor for 7 years & a City Councillor for my home City of Exeter for 2. I currently chair the Labour group on the former & am chair of the licensing committee on the latter. I also chaired our local branch for some years. I became a Councillor because I wanted to be able to help people, particularly in my own community which is extremely diverse but also with significant pockets of deprivation.

I’m currently the organiser for our ward for this year’s local elections. I worked for the NHS as a Clinical Technologist for over 20 years where I was a Unite Rep. I now belong to the Unite Community Branch & am trained as a Companion Rep. I am also a governor at my local nursery school and chair of trustees at our Community Centre.

I pledge to always fight for equal opportunities for all, democracy, the environment, and the best education & healthcare we deserve. We must also ensure the New Deal for Working people is delivered fully.

I am extremely proud to have the support of the Centre-left Grassroots alliance and Momentum. I urge you to also support Jane Begley and Ada Gravatt (Youth position).