Liv Marshall


As a young woman who has grown up knowing nothing other than the brutality of austerity, and the failing of my generation by 14 years of Tory negligence, I want nothing more than for an incoming Labour government to put forward a transformative, progressive policy agenda.

For too long, the climate crisis has been on the back foot of British politics, with continued investment in North Sea oil and gas fields and the delay in phasing out petrol and diesel cars all happening under Tory rule. As East Midlands Youth Rep on the NPF, I’d ensure our party is a global trailblazer for net zero in government, by reinstating the £28bn and supporting the aims of the Climate Education Bill such as integrating climate change into vocational training and exams.

I’m a proud trade unionist, climate activist, and young labour member, and will bring these values to the table, to ensure that when we do get into government, the agenda is set around the future, a brighter tomorrow.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance, and Momentum and I urge you to vote for Fraser McGuire.