Kiran Khan


I bring a deep understanding of the challenges facing working families. Coming from a working-class background myself, I understand intimately the struggles and aspirations of ordinary people. My personal experiences have shaped my commitment to fighting for policies that prioritise social justice, economic redistribution, and equal opportunities for all.

I have a proven track record of grassroots activism and community organising. I’ve been actively involved in numerous campaigns advocating for progressive causes. I’ve been a Labour Member since 2017 and a Councillor since 2021 and during this time, I have advocated for transformative policies that reflect Labour values.

The Next Labour government needs to take bold action on many issues facing the country such as housing, austerity, NHS and lack of funding for public services and local councils. I’ll fight for Labour to adopt policies to tackle these challenges we face.

As a member of Labour’s National Policy Forum, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of ordinary members are heard and reflected in the party’s policy agenda.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA), please also nominate and vote for Theresa Mackey, Charlie Wilson, and Alexa Collins.