Josh Freestone


I’m Josh Freestone, a proud member of City of Durham CLP and the Northern Rep on the national labour students committee. I am delighted to be standing for NPF North Youth representative.

As the Labour Party approaches Government, we have a historic opportunity to use state power and set a progressive policy agenda. The NPF will become a critical organ of party democracy and the fight for democratic socialist programs. After 40 years of failed neoliberal orthodoxy and an increasingly vicious Conservative party, a transformative Labour Government has never been so needed.

On the NPF, I would champion Labour’s New Deal for Working People which will win rights for workers across the economy, fundamentally shifting the balance of power in the workplace. I will also push for a just and green transition in the face of the climate crisis and a compassionate immigration policy, defending the rights of migrants against the Tories’ despicable Rwanda plan.

It would be an immense privilege to have your support.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum and urge you to nominate and vote for Hannah Cousins, Rochelle Charlton-Laine, David Ray and Samantha Townsend.