Jane Begley


My professional life has been spent working with children and young people in various mental health settings. Whilst raising my daughter, single-handedly, I trained & worked as a child psychotherapist in NHS CAMHS. Currently, I work with kids in care, who’ve survived severe neglect & abuse.

I frequently draw upon the emotional intelligence that my mental health training has fine-tuned, as a city councillor in Exeter, representing a ward with swathes of social housing, deprivation, and residents with complex needs, and as a trustee of the local community centre.

In my CLP, I’ve been Women’s Officer, LGBT Officer, Deputy Branch Chair, and GC Branch Representative. I’ve also been delegate to Annual Conference and Women’s Conference.

Working in the NHS, I witnessed the devastating effects of austerity, with increasing demands and diminishing resources, to deliver frontline services. I remain fully committed to fighting for publicly funded health and social care services. Incompetence and corruption of successive Tory governments, have made the path ahead challenging. However, I’ll always strive to support the disadvantaged and disenfranchised.

I am extremely proud to have the support of the Centre-left Grassroots alliance and Momentum. I urge you to also support Marina Asvachin and Ada Gravatt (Youth position).