Jackie Owen


I'm a member of Wrexham CLP (previously Clwyd South CLP secretary), member of Welsh Women's Committee and Welsh Labour Executive Committee – I'm standing to ensure grassroots members have a real voice on the NEC.

I'm a registered nurse, member of UNISON & UNITE and Secretary and Women's Officer of the Wales Co-operative Party Council. I'm an active member of SHA & SEA Cymru. I would bring a frontline, working-class perspective to the NEC highlighting the experiences of ordinary people after 14-years of Tory austerity. I support community wealth building and the sharing of wealth and power.

Extending devolution, in government and within our Party, is a priority. I believe that the concentration of power within the NEC is not consistent with a member-led party.

I am an experienced campaigner, organising the last 5 election campaigns in Clwyd South, doubling the number of Labour County Councillors in 2022.

I have extensive policy making experience including representing CLPs on the committee that drafted the 2021 Welsh Labour Senedd Manifesto

Given the fantastic General Election result & upcoming Senedd Election, my priority will be to ensure Labour Policies that will make a difference to working class people's lives are implemented as soon as possible.

Rwy'n aelod o PLlE Wrecsam (cyn ysgrifennydd PLlE De Clwyd), yn aelod o Bwyllgor Merched Cymru a PGLC – rwy'n sefyll i sicrhau bydd gan aelodau llawr gwlad lais ar y PGC.

Rwy'n nyrs gofrestredig, yn aelod o UNSAIN ac UNITE ac yn Ysgrifennydd a Swyddog Menywod Cyngor Plaid Gydweithredol Cymru. Rwy'n aelod gweithgar o SHA & SEA Cymru. Byddwn yn dod â phersbectif rheng flaen, dosbarth gweithiol i'r PGC gan dynnu sylw at brofiadau pobl gyffredin ar ôl 14 mlynedd o lymder Torïaidd. Rwy'n cefnogi adeiladu cyfoeth cymunedol a rhannu cyfoeth a phŵer.

Mae ehangu datganoli, mewn llywodraeth ac yn y Blaid, yn flaenoriaeth. Credaf nad yw cydbwysedd pŵer y PGC yn gyson â phlaid a arweinir gan aelodau.

Rwy'n ymgyrchydd profiadol, gan drefnu'r 5 ymgyrch etholiadol ddiwethaf yn Ne Clwyd, gan ddyblu'r nifer o Gynghorwyr Sirol Llafur yn 2022.

Mae gennyf brofiad helaeth o lunio polisi, gan gynrychioli PLlE ar y pwyllgor a ddrafftiodd Faniffesto Senedd Llafur Cymru 2021.

O ystyried canlyniad gwych yr Etholiad Cyffredinol a'r Etholiad Senedd sydd i ddod, fy mlaenoriaeth fydd sicrhau bod Polisïau Llafur yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl dosbarth gweithiol ac yn cael eu rhoi ar waith cyn gynted â phosibl.