Jack Ballingham


I’ve represented Yorkshire and Humber members on the National Policy Forum since 2022, and am now seeking your support to continue ensuring our region’s members are heard in our Party’s policy-making spaces.

I currently serve as treasurer of Selby CLP, and as a delegate to Leeds Local Government Committee. I want to help ensure that our Party has the platform it needs to win the next general election, and a strong plan for government. As a young person, I know the importance of bold, progressive policies in areas like education and housing, and will work to promote these at the NPF.

Over the last two years I’ve served as a member of the NPF’s foreign and defence policy commission, and attended the full meeting of the NPF at Nottingham last year. There I focused on a range of policy issues, such as the arms trade, voter ID and protest laws, asylum and further education, and was able to secure substantial policy changes in these areas.

I am proud to be backed by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please also nominate and vote for Chris Saltmarsh, Sandra Wyman, and Corinne Furness.