India Burgess


Over the coming years, the Labour Party should nationalise key public services including energy companies, utilities and public transport; support devolution and investment in community services and spaces; and introduce a wealth tax to reduce inequality. It is also critical that Labour calls and advocates for a permanent and immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Not only are these policies popular but they are necessary to build stronger, happier and greener communities. They are the policies I will fight for as your representative on the National Policy Forum.

Since university, the policies impacting every aspect of our lives have interested and inspired me. For the past five years, I’ve been volunteering, advocating and working in policy from the local level to the international stage. Through all of this, it’s become clear that the UK needs to be bold and ambitious to face multiple environmental and social crises.

I’m standing for Labour’s National Policy Forum to propose, debate and fight for policies that can deliver a future that’s not just fair but thriving.

I’m supported by the CLGA, please nominate me as well as Rathi Guhadasan, Aydin Dikerdem, Dave Levy, and Pat Quigley.