Fraser McGuire


I’m the Chair of Unite Hospitality East Midlands branch, and have been the Young Labour rep for the East Midlands since 2022. Growing up in rural Derbyshire I have seen the devastating effect of Tory austerity on our communities, with cuts to local government funding, social care, education and transport. I’ve organised with hundreds of Young Labour members and young workers; I know how desperately change is needed.

I will stand up for transformative policies like nationalisation of key services, and as a climate activist I believe we have a long way to go to tackle the coming environmental crisis.

As a committed trade unionist, and vice-president of Derby Trades council I will fight to see the New Deal for Working People go as far as possible. We need to unshackle our trade unions by repealing all anti-union legislation from the last 40 years and we must commit to pushing through workers rights reforms in the first 100 days of a Labour government.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance, and Momentum and I urge you to vote for Liv Marshall (youth position).