Finn Beyts


I am standing for the National Policy Forum to give Scottish members a clear voice in shaping our policies ahead of the General Election and, hopefully, for the next Labour government.

I have been a Labour Party activist for a decade, sat on my CLP executive, and was the co-lead of Glasgow Labour for a Green New Deal. I coordinated the Labour presence for the COP26 climate march and led my university Labour Club to join UCU members on the picket line.

In addition, I have served for four years on the Scottish Co-op Party’s executive as a representative for young members in our sister party, as well as the Scottish representative on the Youth Network’s executive.

Working in the public sector, I have seen workers undervalued and underpaid – with vital work subcontracted out and our public services being used for private profit. It’s these lived experiences that have made me a committed socialist.

The NPF has a pivotal role in shaping the policies of the next Labour Government. I want to use my voice to help bring about the change our country needs and fight for better public services, so we can deliver real change that can help everyone.