Fianna Hornby


I’m the proud Councillor for Gorse Hill and Cornbrook in Trafford – home to the first planned industrial estate in the world. Representing a ward with such great industrial heritage has only cemented my belief that the UK needs a Green New Deal to both address environmental challenges we face and ensure unionised Green jobs to support a just transition.

After growing up in Preston and seeing the area flourish, I’ve taken inspiration from the socialist council leadership there. They have put Community Wealth Building at the heart of the Council. It’s been a pleasure to see more money staying embedded in the area. I believe these policies should be a key priority for a future Labour Government.

I will do everything in my power to enable a Labour government. We then need to expand public ownership, secure better rights for workers, provide a decent education for all ages and incomes, protect our wonderful NHS, expand free childcare to support families and build more council housing across the UK.

I am proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum and urge you to support John Bowden, Evangeline Walker and Antonia Shipley (youth position).