Evangeline Walker


I joined the Labour Party because I wanted to help build a movement that develops bold solutions to the issues facing the country.

In my CLP, I regularly contribute to discussions on the key policy challenges with a particular interest in housing and equalities. At meetings of our Women’s Branch, I’ve heard from women from all walks of life who’ve fought injustice and misogyny, and learned from their campaigns fighting against these issues. Chairing my university Labour Club has provided me with the organisation and communication skills required for the NPF.

As a committed member of Unite, I’ve stood on picket lines alongside striking workers: if elected, I’ll be uncompromising in my support for our policy offer for workers and in particular, delivering the New Deal for Working People in full.

If elected, I will always put members first, ensuring that they’re able to hold me accountable. It would be a privilege to represent you on the NPF.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and urge you to support Fianna Hornby, John Bowden and Antonia Shipley (youth position).