Ellen Morrison


I’m proud to be serving my second term as the first-ever Disabled Members Representative.

Re-elect me, and I’ll keep fighting for those issues both outside and within our party – working with trade unions and the Disabled people’s movement to win full, clear commitments from our Shadow Cabinet on the issues that most affect disabled people.

Like many disabled members, I also haven’t forgotten what we were promised in the Democracy Review.

I won’t stop pushing for a national disabled members’ committee, elected by one member, one vote.

I also want to ensure remote access to meetings remains, and is extended with provision for hybrid meetings at CLP level.

Finally, I’ll do everything I can to ensure disabled people are elected to positions within our party. We must make more progress on seeing disabled people from a wide range of impairment groups become our next generation of MPs, councillors and devolved leaders.

I have always stood for bringing the Disabled People’s movement into Labour.

Re-elect me so I can continue my work defending the interests of both disabled members and disabled people more broadly, and to work with you to win the change we need to see.