Dave Levy


I believe our Party needs to unite around our core values so that we can develop a policy programme which will make a real difference to people’s lives when we get into government.

I will fight for a policy platform in the interests of the many, not the few, based on anti-poverty, pro-social justice and anti-racist principles. I’ll also place membership involvement at the heart of my work.

My experience as an economist, IT professional, trade unionist, and civil rights campaigner would mean I am very well-placed for the Economy, Culture, or Democracy commissions.

I have been a member of the Labour Party for 50 years and have held various positions with it.

I am President of my GMB branch, trained in employment law; I represent & organise members in their workplace.

I am a member/subscriber to Amnesty, Liberty, the Open Rights Group, and the Labour Movement for Europe. I am active in Another Europe and CLPD.

I will work hard, represent you, and remain fully open and transparent.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA), please also nominate and vote for Rathi Guhadasan, Pat Quigley, Aydin Dikerdem, and India Burgess (Youth Position).