Chris Saltmarsh


I am standing as a candidate for the National Policy Forum in Yorkshire and The Humber to promote the transformative policy agenda that Labour needs to tackle the great crises of the twenty-first century when in government: climate, cost-of-living, health, international conflict, and beyond.

As a co-founder of Labour for a Green New Deal, I have experience of working with stakeholders throughout the party – members, trade unions, MPs, shadow ministers – to develop ambitious and popular policies to rapidly decarbonise, create good green jobs, invest in reindustrialisation, expand public ownership, re-empower trade unions, and protect public services.

Living in Sheffield, with its proud history of steel manufacturing, I believe that Yorkshire and The Humber can be at the heart of Labour’s efforts to tackle climate change while revitalising the UK’s industrial economy.

The upcoming Labour government is a historic opportunity and I will work within the NPF to ensure that we make the most of it with a socialist policy platform worthy of the uncertain times we are living through.

I am proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please also nominate Jack Ballingham, Sandra Wyman, and Corinne Furness.