Charlie Wilson


My journey within the party, where I’ve served as a councillor and now CLP chair, has been characterised by a deep-seated desire for social justice, the pursuit of equality and an unwavering commitment to socialist principles.

We stand on the brink of government, and my focus will be ensuring our party’s policies both reflect our core values of fairness, solidarity, and community and also address the challenges of our time.

Climate change, economic inequality, and the preservation of public services require bold and visionary policies that can transform our society into one that is more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive. The NPF plays a pivotal role in shaping these policies, and I’m committed to bringing a fresh, progressive perspective to its deliberations.

By amplifying the voices of our grassroots, engaging with all stakeholders, and harnessing the rich diversity of our party, I believe we can craft a policy agenda that is both radical and achievable. Together, we can build a future that transforms our values into a lived reality for all.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA), please also nominate and vote for Theresa Mackey, Kiran Khan, and Alexa Collins.