Bryn Griffiths


I will always prioritise giving a voice to ordinary members and making myself available to the Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs). I will act as an advocate of the radical policies which have been passed by our Conference.

I will support the Trade Unions in making sure that we are bold in our implementation of the New Deal for Working People. Labour’s Green Prosperity Plan should be the central plank of our policy and I will always advocate a radical approach that is proportionate to the challenge the planet faces. On economic policy I want our party to back our public services e.g. I will always argue for the rail service to return to the public sector. I will stand with the public sector unions in their efforts to remove the privateers from the National Health Service and Social Care. I will abide by Labour Conference policy passed by an overwhelming majority that we should introduce proportional representation.

I am standing with Shahid Nadeem, Maxine Sadza, Rachel Garnham, Bryn Griffiths, and Alex Small (Youth position) as a Centre Left Grassroots Alliance candidate. I also support Momentum and sit on the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy Executive.