Antonia Shipley


My life was changed by labour power in Manchester, from a council house in Ashton-Under-Lyne, losing my father and caring for my mum, I believed that aspirations were never really for “kids like me”, but the incredible work of Burnham and the council enabled me to travel to a top sixth form college, which ultimately brought me to university and has enriched me in ways I couldn’t have dreamt of.

I’ve experienced what Labour in power can do for young people, and I hope to have a role in expanding that power, ensuring that “kids like me” are able to realise their aspirations. The voices of young people, the next generation, will be indispensable at the next election.

We need to stand united across the North West, pushing for better, more affordable transport and housing for young people, advocating for more investment in our education system, and fundamentally better opportunities for young people in our region, so the incredible amount of talent we have here, stays here. Our voices must be seen, heard and embraced.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance and urge you to support John Bowden, Fianna Hornby and Evangeline Walker.