Alexa Collins


Working in local government, I am well aware of the choices councils need to make in policy development and service delivery during tough economic circumstances. As the prospect of a Labour Government becomes reality, we have the opportunity for our policies to dramatically improve the lives of everyone in this country; policies desperately needed by so many.

With a background in central and local government finance, I have a strong, relevant skill set to contribute to effective policy development for the Labour Party and I am driven to contribute wherever I can to make positive change.

As well as being a Labour activist, I have been a CLP chair, Secretary, Treasurer and I Chaired the Local Campaign Forum for several years, making it possible for every ward in my council area to field Labour candidates for the first time ever and give every voter the opportunity to vote Labour. I campaign for fair school admissions which is particularly relevant in much of the South East region. I am also a parish councillor.

I’m proudly endorsed by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum.

Please also nominate and vote for: Kiran Khan, Therese Mackey, and Charlie Wilson.